Use stablediffusionpipeline for an image generation App running on Googel Colab. Make Ui using gradio for the App.


Building an Image Generation App with Stable Diffusion and Gradio on Google Colab

Here's how you can use Stable Diffusion pipeline for an image generation app running on Google Colab with Gradio for the UI:

1. Set up Google Colab:

  • Open a new Colab notebook and connect to a GPU runtime.
  • Mount Google Drive (optional) if you want to save generated images locally.

2. Install libraries:

!pip install diffusers gradio transformers

3. Load the Stable Diffusion model:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-5")

4. Define the Gradio interface:

def generate_image(text_prompt):
  output = pipe(text_prompt)
  return output["images"][0]

interface = gradio.Interface(
  title="Stable Diffusion Image Generator",
  description="Enter a text prompt and create an image!",
  thumbnail=pipe(text_prompt="a cat playing with a ball of yarn").images[0]

launch(interface, server_port=7860)


  • The generate_image function takes a text prompt as input and generates an image using the Stable Diffusion pipeline.
  • The Gradio interface defines the app's structure with:
    • fn: The function to call for generating images.
    • inputs: The type of input (text).
    • outputs: The type of output (image).
    • title: The app's title.
    • description: A short description of the app.
    • thumbnail: An image to display as a preview.
  • launch starts the Gradio app on port 7860.

5. Run the app:

  • Click the "Run" button at the top of the Colab notebook.
  • Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:7860.
  • You'll see a text box where you can enter a prompt and a button to generate an image.

Additional features:

  • You can modify the Gradio interface to add more inputs (e.g., image style, number of iterations) and outputs (e.g., multiple images).
  • Explore Gradio documentation for more customization options:
  • Remember, using Google Colab's free GPU comes with limitations in terms of usage time and resources.


  • Be aware of potential biases and ethical considerations when using Stable Diffusion.
  • Do not generate hateful or harmful content.
